About Us

Hello, I'm Amber.

I've spent the last decade trying to install the love of adventure in my child But I haven't been leading by example. I had a ton of struggles along the way but became stronger and am finding myself again. Travel is the best way for me to do that. I hope you join in and share our adventures with us.

Hello World! I'm Tony Calhoun.

I've spent a lot of my life programming at a desk, in front of a computer, doing whatever was needed to keep my web design business running successfully. While I still enjoy working with web technologies, I decided it was time to persue my other passion - Traveling. I just can't ever seem to get enough of exploring new places, the scenery, the culture shock, and just indulging in the natural wonders of the world. So, for the next chapter of my life, I'm taking a leap with my best friend and travel buddy, Amber, who shares much of the same passions and desire for creating "Adventures".

Traveling Partners

We are on a mission to find the most interesting and fun places to explore and capture it all of so others can enjoy. We hope you love our travels as much as we do!

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